Digital Supply Chain Management: A Comprehensive Review Using Cluster Analysis, with Future Directions and Open Challenges

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Management Studies, Graphic Era University, India

2 #303, Operations and Supply Chain Management Research Laboratory, School of Management, Doon University, India


Value chain operations have significantly improved due to rapid technological advancements, leading to a positive impact on the lifestyle of end users. The advent and widespread availability of the internet have had a profound influence on numerous industries, compelling them to shift from manual to automated operations and from offline to online activities. The digitalization of the supply chain plays a crucial role in enhancing business planning and execution, thereby facilitating the achievement of various organizational objectives in the future. This review focuses on assessing the significance of supply chain digitalization by extensively analysing literature published between 2018 and 2022. The study investigates the impact of digitalization on manufacturing operations and identifies new avenues for future research through a thorough content analysis. To evaluate the level and nature of supply chain digitalization in the industrial sector, the authors conducted a comprehensive review of 115 research articles. Various techniques, including bibliometric analysis, network data analysis, cluster analysis, and content analysis, were employed by the authors. Through this study, the authors successfully identified the changes and advancements associated with the implementation of digital supply chains (DSC) in the manufacturing industry. Moreover, by examining the literature review, the authors pinpointed emerging issues that require attention and investigation in the future. These insights will serve as valuable guidance in determining the appropriate research directions moving forward.


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