How has covid-19 affected the logistics of Europe, Asia and Africa, and do appropriate solutions differ between countries?

Document Type : Research Paper


Al Rafidain University College


Depending on the differences in the capabilities and conditions of countries and continents, and the size of the variance when dealing with emergency crises such as the Covid-19 crisis, which has left a significant impact on logistics around the world. The study aims to identify the most prominent problems faced by countries and continents during the Covid-19 pandemic only, as well as to determine the levels of similarity and differences for these problems and methods of dealing with them in each country according to the available capabilities. This work also aims to clarify and highlight the most influential problems in various Asian, European and African countries, and to show the most appropriate solutions for each continent (Asia, Europe and Africa). In this paper, the Step-Wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA) method was used, in this method experts are the main elements, and on this basis, a list was prepared that includes a set of problems and solutions got from research papers conducted during the outbreak of COVID-19, then this list was sent to a group of experts in different countries via e-mail, some of them are Asian countries, some are European, and some are African. The number of experts who responded to the questionnaire sent to them reached 22 experts, 8 from Asia, 9 from Europe, and 5 from Africa. The study found that there are great variations in the size of the problems faced by supply chains in the continents and their countries, and the solutions differ from one continent to another and from one country to another with different capabilities and adherence to the instructions for closure and cultural awareness. Therefore, understanding the problem and the solutions to it contribute a lot to addressing logistics disorders during emergency crises.


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