A Framework for Evaluating the Supply Chain Performance of Apparel Manufacturing Organizations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Portsmouth Business School, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK

2 NEOMA Business School, Mont-Saint-Aignan, France

3 Management School, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK


The abrogation of Multifiber Arrangement in the year 2005 pushed many developing nations into tough competition. Within the textile industry, despite having many advantages apparel manufacturing and exporting organizations (AMEOs) in developing nations are experiencing decline in their supply chain supply chain performance. Developing a comprehensive model to explore and classify factors, which affect the supply chain performance, is extremely significant. Owing to limited research in this area, an exploratory qualitative study involving a variety of organizations in apparel supply chain was carried out, in combination with a literature review, to determine the causes behind that decline. The outcome of preliminary exploratory study and literature review aided in the proposal of a conceptual framework. Employing that framework, a questionnaire survey was designed and piloted to support a quantitative study, which was conducted in the Karachi region in Pakistan. Collected data were analyzed by employing structural equation modeling. Results indicate that a number of factors have a strong influence on the supply chain performance of AMEOs. Apart from contributing to the literature, this study can also be of interest to managers and practitioners from the textile industry, as it clearly indicates areas on which AMEOs need to focus in order to improve their performance.


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