Influence of Information Flow on Logistics Management in the Industry 4.0 Era

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Operations Management, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa.

2 Department of Construction Management and Quantity Surveying, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa

3 Mechanical Engineering Department, Air Force Institute of Technology, Kaduna, Nigeria


Industry 4.0 technologies have capacities to improve competitiveness in the logistics chain by taking advantage of information flow through the logistics processes. This paper aims to determine the influence of effective and new information flow on logistics management in Nigeria. The methodology used in this study includes; the quantitative methodology, a mean item score, exploratory factor analysis, normality test, and Man-Whitney test. Findings revealed negotiating better contracts, better product tracking, better quality logistics information flow, expanded network, and enhanced information transfer as the top five effect of information flow on logistics management in Nigeria. It is recommended that Nigerian companies engaging in logistics activities need to adopt industry 4.0 technologies to aid effective and new information flow in their logistics management processes. Finally, the growth of logistics firm and its ability to compete depend on effective information flow.


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